Jan. 30 Written By Jillian Maierhofer


Unlocking the secrets of the health world, the SOMATIC Nervous System is the new trending word in the health industry!

So, what exactly is SOMATIC health and healing, and how does this magic unfold?

In a nutshell, the somatic nervous system governs your voluntary movements. Its dual roles include relaying sensory input, such as sound, smell, taste, and touch, to your brain, and orchestrating movement control by transmitting signals to your muscles.

The somatic nervous system is the switch that triggers the body's fight or flight response, influencing how we cope with trauma.

Identifying Somatic Nervous System Issues becomes crucial when certain areas in your body cling to stress, tension, and pain. According to Louise Hay, these manifestations are often linked to our emotions:

- Neck: Anger and stubbornness.

- Shoulders: Bearing the weight of the world.

- Spine: Symbolizing life's support system.

- Upper back: Lack of emotional support.

- Middle back: Guilt and procrastination.

- Lower back: Fear of financial instability.

- Hips: Fear of moving forward and decision-making.

- Knees: Pride, ego, and fear.

- Ankles: Pessimism and reluctance to receive good things.

For those struggling to lose weight, a clogged Nervous System Fat-Burning Pathway might be the culprit.

When the nervous system is strained, it negatively impacts other fat-burning pathways, leading to a lack of cellular energy and an accumulation of metabolic toxins:

❌ Liver and detoxification suffer.

❌ Digestion becomes chaotic.

❌ Adrenals and thyroid are adversely affected.

❌ Sex hormones face disruptions, contributing to peri-menopause and menopause challenges.

Enter the solution: Your Somatic Nervous System needs LOVE and RESPECT 💖.

Here are practical ways to calm the Somatic Nervous System and open the Nervous System Fat-Burning Pathway:

1. **Grounding and Being Present:**

   Practice the 5-4-3-2-1 coping technique to reconnect with the present moment.

2. **Nature Therapy:**

   Immerse yourself in nature to induce a relaxation response and find peace.

3. **Label Emotions:**

   Acknowledge and label intense emotions to address them in the present moment.

4. **Positions:**

   Engage in calming activities like the Butterfly Hug or Yoga Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana).

5. **Eat to Heal:**

   Adopt an anti-inflammatory diet rich in natural prebiotics and probiotics. Include green leafy vegetables and colorful veggies while avoiding processed foods. Balancing your microbiome enhances emotional and mental well-being.


For more insights and tips on living your best life, follow our expert Jillian Cecile CNP, or join the private Facebook Group JC CNP Insider’s Club for a wealth of helpful ideas! Calm the nervous system and embark on your journey to holistic wellness.

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